Saturday, June 20, 2009

We Needed a Family Break!

So, we went into Spokane for a day at Riverfront Park. It was like a dream day for Silas because it included the big wagon slide, feeding the ducks, a playground, the carousel, and the huge fountain that kids can play in. We spent some relaxing time together which is just what we needed after a few weeks of moving and house buying stress (we are hopefully moving in this Wednesday.) These binoculars were from an Arby's meal and they were the treasured toy of the day. Still, right now Silas and Barry are out at the dump and Silas took his favorite binoculars so that he wouldn't miss any deer, or people, or cars, or trees...

Elise LOVES swings! We never knew that before because we live far away from any baby swings. She was such a ham!
Emmitt enjoys things a little more discretely, but he had lots of fun too.

Hey Princess!

Doesn't every boy like to sit on fountains and let the water spray out from between his legs?


Unknown said...

The answer to your last question... uhhhh...not really! ;-)

Barry said...

:) Come on! That's fun right?

butters said...

I love the picture of Silas, that's hilarious. Something I can picture my big boy doing, that or drinking the yucky fountain water. I'm glad you had some relaxing time as a family before your man left ya.(; Love ya.