Sunday, October 26, 2008


Auntie Rosie from WA D.C. had a set of twins in Aug. and they are in Spokane for a while. I can't imagine taking care of all four together. You can really tell the difference in temperment when they are all lined up. Michael and Emmitt are hungry, laid back little guys and Elise and James are a little high strung and active. I think Silas feels a bit concerned about all the babies!

Two chubby boys.
They seem like they're leaning on each other to keep from having to work too hard to sit up.
Michael is on the left and Emmitt on the right.

Michael, Emmitt, Elise & James. The angle makes the first two look a lot bigger than the others, but I think (left to right) Michael is about 13+ lb, Emmitt is 14lbs. 2 oz., Elise is 12lbs. 11oz., and James is about 12lbs.

To be fair to Elise, it was her nap time and we were keeping her up for photos! :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Silas, Owen & New Hair

Silas and a buddy, Owen look a little like twins sometimes. I made them hug for the picture. Owen was trying to get out the entire time. :)

So, I have a new do...It was definitely time. I feel like a real person who likes to have fun again. Amazing what a haircut will do for you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where's Silas?

You've heard of Where's Waldo, have you ever played Where's Silas?
Oh, there's that handsome dude.

Recent Trip to Africa

We wanted to promote our "Water for Africa" fund by showing you the water quality there.
Just kidding. Although Africa does desperately need good water, we apparently do too. This is what periodically happens to our public water source. Yuck, huh? We never drink this water.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sleepyhead and Cutie Pie

When a friend gave us these shirts, no one knew how appropriate they'd be...

Grandpa Pat, the pumpkin and a bunny:

Grandpa Jerry (Boppa) and the little cherubs: