Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Small People Do Business Too

I thought I'd try a new thing the other week. Why couldn't the babies poop on the potty when they have to go? I've heard that with enough effort (which I'm sure I can't muster) you can "potty train" infants entirely. So, I gave it a try with the Little Big One. He took right to pooping on the potty. He sits down and gives it his best push. Amazing. That was two weeks ago and I've only changed one or two poopy diapers since! Now on with the girl...She has a slightly less predictable system, but she has successfully done her thing a few times in the last couple days. I suppose this takes more attentiveness to the babies, but it saves a ton of diapers and I am about the cheapest person I know (besides my brother). Thanks to all those mothers out there who found out through necessity that babies can go potty on the toilet.

1 comment:

Cyndi Mulligan said...

That's amazing--I had no idea that could be done! I was born too early or something; all the good stuff's coming out NOW, haha... Well done, lovely one!