Sunday, September 21, 2008

Babies are Smiling

Emmitt is such a stud.
Oh yeah, I know who's da man.
And my pretty girl is so subtle. She wouldn't want to let her face give it all away.
I am darling though? Don't you think?


~Mel said...

Oh my goodness! Look at the babies, they are growing so fast. Emmitt looks so much like his daddy. And Elise is still so petite and girly, how precious!

I cant wait to come see you all! Give everyone my love, especially that handsome little blond guy! I cant believe he is almost 3!

Love to you all!
:) Mim

butters said...

hey lovely friend of mine... your babies are really beautiful. Elise does look so dainty and lovely in her pictures. It's amazing how girls just seem to look that way. And Emmitt is such a cutie and they both look like they have got some good chubs on them now. Good work mama Tif! Give loves to Si monkey from us. I mentioned his name the other day and Nathan whined about how he wanted to see "Si see" for close to half an hour. Gag...

love you all,

Cyndi Mulligan said...

I found your blog! LOVELOVELOVE the pics! They're always snug and cradled when I see them, so to see their delicious faces up close like this--yum!

Had a blast with Silas on Friday. What a great buddy, so adorable! And Owen--QT!

Btw, you look too beautiful for someone who's supposed to be sleep deprived and overworked... work on that, wouldya?