The babies had never opened their own presents before and they each had one from Aunt Angie to rip into. We tore the corner of the paper for them, but they weren't sure what to do. Eventually the big kids "helped" and the presents were opened. Both of them held on to their gifts like they were precious. No one was allowed to take them, especially Elise's. There were screams and arms flailing when we tried to get the sound mechanism to work.
Elise smiled and yelled at her cupcake. She talked to it and tentatively poked her finger into it. She laughed when she tasted her dessert and daintily put her finger in again. It took quite a while for her to finish, in between screaming and poking. Emmitt was as quiet as a chubby little laughing mouse and consumed his in record time.
Emmitt grabbed his cupcake with two fists and giggled. He put it in his mouth and giggled some more! He ate like a sea creature that just digests it's food whole. When his treat was gone, he got to have another, at which he again laughed.
1 comment:
Happy 1St Birthday little babies... auntie Jenna loves you! I love the peas in a pod theme. Super cute. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are all making yourselves at home in my home.(; Miss ya.
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