Sunday, February 15, 2009

Emmitt's Giggles Sound Like a Man's

My sweet Little Big One is quick to smile, but slow to laugh. Today Yaya got him to show off his low raspy laugh.


Cyndi Mulligan said...

So precious! I'm so glad you have this blog!

Jerry & Melody said...

Hi Tuf,
These are gifts' from God. I love you're pictures a lot! I love the one Gunner is laughing in. I love there smiles and giggles which are almost better then when we have them in our arms. You are special parent's with special children that will grow to be special people. Cant' wait to see them in person again. There very precious, and that includes Buster who I love very much. Hope to see you soon.

Barry said...

Um, are one of the most fabulous annoyances I know. Thanks for massacring your grammar...just for me.