So, I guess I have to tell you seven weird or random things about me? Ok.
1. I can't stand dry things touching dry things. Flour on a rolling pin, naked feet on dusty cement...things like that majorly make me cringe.
2. Growing up, I had such a bad memory that I told my friends that my birthday was on Dec. 28 (it's really the 29th). To this day, my best friend growing up still can't remember which it is.
3. I can't stand common grammar errors in writing. Sorry if you can't stand people like me!
Ending a sentence with a preposition (at, to, from...)
Misusing words like; there and their or then and than
Putting "a lot" or "really" in every other line
4. I like to have someone stand in front of me and hold my ankles while I sit. I have to be in a comfy, tall chair and the "holder" has to cup my ankles really gently or else it doesn't count.
5. I smashed a T.V. in the driveway a couple of years ago. It was out of rage.
6. I may try to conceal it, but I always want to win.
7. I love to have a party. I (almost) always like company.
So, now I tag seven other people who post seven things about themselves. Don't be shy. I look forward to reading...
Tamara (facebook)
April (facebook)
Melissa T.
Melissa L. (facebook)
Stephanie K. (facebook)
Stephanie H. (facebook)
Sorry, I can't make a link to your page. I'll just check later.
Well see isn't that fun? I am sorry that I probably often break the grammar rules. I am horrible at all that stuff.I am trying to get better. :) I am annoyed too when people mix up their and there. But I figure I can not complain since I probably use twice as many comas as are truly needed. :) Hope you are doing well.
Hey you silly girl. I was the one who tagged Sarah, so go here to read my 7 things.
Yeah Melissa - I read your seven things after I posted. I think you are the most fantastic blogger! I miss you.
Sarah - Very fun. I'm not really that annoyed at mistakes in blogging. It's kind of a casual form of communication. It is more frustrating when I read things that are supposed to be publishable. Thanks for passing on the idea. Miss you. Soon Oregon will be another hot mamma fewer, huh? I'm sure Melissa will mourn your absence.
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