At 7:15 Silas walked up the stairs to go to the bathroom and to make sure I was up. He is instructed to wait until "the clock says seven" to get out of bed and he does a great job! His clock may be set a little slow so that "seven" comes closer to 7:15, but I can't be sure...
We sleepily moved into the livingroom where I noticed a strange thick frost out the window...nope snow! On October 29!
Silas was elated and said he was going out (it was still dark as you can see in the picture!). As Silas told me that "Christmas is here!", I pulled on jeans and a hat over my pajamas. Out we went to make the first snowballs of the season and lay on the cold ground to make snow angels.We couldn't find the sled, so we settled for bringing in some extra wood and went in to get warm.
Later, I bundled up all three for their first snowy romp, but the twins were not sure about the new precipitation and cried almost the entire time.
They were so sweet and snuggly that I had to get close-ups.