Everyone seems to wonder if you can nurse two at the same time. Sure. Just attach like so.
First things first. Everyone is doing really well. Mama Tif was able to hold out against a barrage of C-section fantatical medical professionals and delivered both of her babies the good old-fashioned way late last night.
Meet Emmitt Gunnar (aka Baby "A")
This little guy weighed in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches long. He was born at 9:57 pm. He is either narcoleptic or a night owl, because in the entirety of my hour-long visit, Emmitt did not once open his eyes.
Meet Elise Claire (aka Baby "B")
Elise was born a mere 9 minutes after her brother. A bit daintier than Emmitt, she weighed in at 5 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches in length. As you can tell, she was quite alert for the duration of my stay (she was still very well behaved; both of these kids appear to be extremely mellow).
Silas is holding up well. Mama Tif says he is everything a big brother should be, giving kisses and patting heads as a demonstration of his love. He was even able to differentiate between the baby's cries, claiming, "That's my sister," when little Elise gave a short wail. Like his parents, though, he was a bit tired.
Congrats to the entire Warren-Claridge clan! This is one beautiful family.