Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sarah Tagged Me
1. I can't stand dry things touching dry things. Flour on a rolling pin, naked feet on dusty cement...things like that majorly make me cringe.
2. Growing up, I had such a bad memory that I told my friends that my birthday was on Dec. 28 (it's really the 29th). To this day, my best friend growing up still can't remember which it is.
3. I can't stand common grammar errors in writing. Sorry if you can't stand people like me!
Ending a sentence with a preposition (at, to, from...)
Misusing words like; there and their or then and than
Putting "a lot" or "really" in every other line
4. I like to have someone stand in front of me and hold my ankles while I sit. I have to be in a comfy, tall chair and the "holder" has to cup my ankles really gently or else it doesn't count.
5. I smashed a T.V. in the driveway a couple of years ago. It was out of rage.
6. I may try to conceal it, but I always want to win.
7. I love to have a party. I (almost) always like company.
So, now I tag seven other people who post seven things about themselves. Don't be shy. I look forward to reading...
Tamara (facebook)
April (facebook)
Melissa T.
Melissa L. (facebook)
Stephanie K. (facebook)
Stephanie H. (facebook)
Sorry, I can't make a link to your page. I'll just check later.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Time To Decide
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Recent Trip to Africa
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sleepyhead and Cutie Pie
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
I've Learned that Babies Actually do Sleep
I am not a person who feels comfortable just trying something out with my babies. I want facts, a well written book to describe a detailed plan and some positive testimonies attributing credence to the theory.
Diving into "Babywise" was a little drastic for me, but I needed to do something. The babies were tired and fussy, and required being held constantly. What I've found in the week and a half that we've been keeping the schedule is that my babies can be content and well rested.
I know that as an infant, Silas never slept as much as these two. I'm sure that's because I just let him decide how and when he wanted to eat and sleep. If he wasn't in a front pack, then he was in my arms sleeping. And there was never a chance that he'd fall asleep on his own in his own crib. It wasn't until he was six months old that I finally decided something needed to be done to make him a more independent sleeper. His colic had passed and he was "old enough", I thought to learn a few new tricks. The following six months were not easy. A co-sleeping six month old has his own ideas about what should or should not be happening. Finally at a year he could resettle himself after he woke up from a 20 min. power nap (the only kind he took before).
I'm sure I would have walked that same path with these two, had they not been too much for me to handle. Severe lack of sleep and growing psychosis forced me to be the parent in this case. Anyway, it seems to be working...for all involved.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
At Priest Lake

Kalispell for a Spell
Friday, July 25, 2008
Double Time

Everyone seems to wonder if you can nurse two at the same time. Sure. Just attach like so.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Babies, Babies, Babies
First things first. Everyone is doing really well. Mama Tif was able to hold out against a barrage of C-section fantatical medical professionals and delivered both of her babies the good old-fashioned way late last night.
Meet Emmitt Gunnar (aka Baby "A")
This little guy weighed in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches long. He was born at 9:57 pm. He is either narcoleptic or a night owl, because in the entirety of my hour-long visit, Emmitt did not once open his eyes.
Meet Elise Claire (aka Baby "B")
Elise was born a mere 9 minutes after her brother. A bit daintier than Emmitt, she weighed in at 5 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches in length. As you can tell, she was quite alert for the duration of my stay (she was still very well behaved; both of these kids appear to be extremely mellow).
Silas is holding up well. Mama Tif says he is everything a big brother should be, giving kisses and patting heads as a demonstration of his love. He was even able to differentiate between the baby's cries, claiming, "That's my sister," when little Elise gave a short wail. Like his parents, though, he was a bit tired.
Congrats to the entire Warren-Claridge clan! This is one beautiful family.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Silas has been having lots of fun lately!